Crawling Up Mountains



For weeks, no months now, I have been searching for a new job. Macdac doesn’t seem like the place to me for where I am in life right now. Sales put a bad taste in my mouth. Working for family is incredibly difficult, you can’t hate your boss when he is related to you. Going from organized and tightly managed to not very much, than working back to being organized and having real management is difficult as well. I have been set in my ways for years now, never trying to hard because I never had too. The long drive takes its toll more and more every time. So I have been searching in vain it seems.

I’m not saying there is nothing out there, I’m extremely picky, on top of the fact that everyone seems to require 2-3 or more years experience. Which leads me to believe there must be some secret training facility around here for every job and I just haven’t found it yet. The picky side of me won’t take a pay cut, work in a cubical, or try to sell people things they don’t need.  So that seems to narrow things down a bit. I need to be more open, hell maybe I need to give my current job another hard look and make it work.

I have also been trying to lose weight, though not nearly as hard as I have in the past. For a while there a couple of months back I was tracking what I ate, cutting back and going on bike rides all the time. Now, my tire is blown, I have another but keep forgetting to put it on. I track what I eat every once in a while and I don’t try to cut back. I’m trying to control my spending, trying to read the Bible more, attend church. Basically I’m reformatting and its going horribly.  It seems I have a mountain of stuff to work on, including new blog ideas, and zero motivation to do it.

For a month or so Annie and I tore through Parks and Recreation, next to Community its my favorite comedy on TV right now. While I find that Ron Swanson is hands down my favorite character (arguably, my favorite character on TV currently) and that I want to be like that (meat only eating, libertarian,  epic mustache sporting, mans man), I am far more like Tom Haverford. Like Tom, I’m lazy, I have terrible work ethic, all I want to do is hang around people, party with Jay-Z and make money ( of course Treat Yo Self as well). It took seasons for his character to really evolve into a less lazy entrepreneur, which I can somewhat relate too. Like Tom, I have crazy business ideas, but not so crazy that they will flop. My main problem is I have always been terrified to pull the trigger on anything (except for a gun oddly enough, I love shooting guns).

I don’t want to make mistake or waste my time. Every time I consider going back to school I start to think if it’s really the career I want.

So please pray for me that I can commit to something, that I can find a job, or learn to love what I have. Also that Parks and Recreation doesn’t get cancelled, I am sick of losing my shows (Firefly, Stargate, Community(it’s not done yet but will be, 6 seasons and a movie!)Etc)

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